equinor | Polenergia

Legal information

The owner of www.baltyk3.pl website is MFW Baltyk III Sp. z o.o.

The information published on the website is purely indicative.

All rights to the concept of the www.baltyk3.pl website, including all its graphics, structure and other components, are reserved.

MFW Baltyk III Sp. z o.o. does not warrant the information contained herein to be accurate, up-to-date and complete, and thus the company shall not be responsible for any damage caused by using the same. Concurrently, we reserve our right to modify any part or the entire service without notifying its users.

The following shall be covered by the exclusion of liability in particular:

  • technical, telecommunication or electronic defects occurring while using the website, irrespective of the cause for which the same occur,
  • effects of copying any files or any other electronic information from www.baltyk3.pl,
  • effects of viruses, computer software or other electronic signals which may impose the website user to any damage.

MFW Baltyk III Sp. z o.o. shall not be responsible for any interruptions in the system operation.